Tesla surprises with new delivery record
...and reconfirms its leading role as a manufacturer of electric cars.
Pascal Geier
What are the reasons why Tesla is so successful?
At Advance Mobility Experts, we continuously analyze market developments and have identified Tesla's five key success factors:
1) Fast delivery
The Tesla Y, the best-selling electric car in the world, comes in three drive variations. The buyer can also only choose between five colors, two rim variants, and two interior colors. The trailer hitch is detachable and is simply added to the car when ordered. The other options consist of software that is installed when the car is delivered. Where other automakers tend to confuse the buyer with dozens of pages of options, Tesla knows how to keep the choices to a minimum.
Thanks to the reduced selection options in the ordering process, as well as the precise analysis of the ordering behavior of previous customers (keyword Big Data), Tesla can forecast very precisely which models in which colors with which interior color have to be pre-produced at which location. The inventories built in advance in this way enable short delivery times of less than a week in some cases, while German manufacturers still have delivery times of up to 12 months for many e-models.
2) Excellent value for money
A Tesla Y in the standard white color is already available for under 45,000 euros, a Model 3 even for under 42,000 euros.
The Tesla vehicles are usually fully equipped. Guard mode/camera-based alarm system, dashcam, auxiliary heating, self-tinting glass sunroof, electrically adjustable front seats with memory function, individually adjustable seat heaters also for the three rear seats, and much more, are installed as standard and leave nothing to be desired.
This is complemented with a very good range and the now competitive build quality. In addition, the Tesla Y surprises in everyday life as a true space and transport miracle.

3) The holistic user experience
Tesla introduced the operating concept via the central touchscreen to the market and has been constantly developing it ever since. Regular software updates over the air (OTA) keep providing new features and thus keep improving the use of the vehicle. The connectivity of the vehicle with the Tesla app is very good. And the interaction with Tesla's own Supercharger network and the integration into route planning also sets standards.
4) The leading battery management
Tesla has been known from the beginning for its excellent battery management and the resulting long ranges of its vehicles. Tesla still has this leading role. Real consumption rates of 16-17 kWh per 100 km under normal driving conditions and considering a vehicle weight of more than 2 tons are still very good values, which the German manufacturers have not been able to achieve so far despite all their efforts.
5) The Supercharger network
With more than 45,000 Superchargers at over 5,000 locations, Tesla claims to own and operate the world's largest fast-charging network. In Germany, Tesla-owned Supercharger stations can be found at over 150 locations, with new locations being added monthly. The locations usually have 14 or more Supercharger charging points (usually with 250 kW power). The network is optimally integrated into route planning and contributes significantly to relaxed driving without range anxiety. The price level per kWh is very attractive at around 40 Euro cents, well below the price structures of other providers in the DC sector. Simply drive there, connect the vehicle to the charging station (plug-and-charge), wait briefly (route planning specifies the recommended charging time), unplug and drive on. The Supercharger network is characterized by no annoying juggling with different charging apps, no acceptance problems, and problem-free billing, including provision of the invoice as a PDF download in the Tesla app, as well as very high technical availability of the charging points, and is a key factor in Tesla's success.
Our conclusion
Tesla recognized at an early stage that the acceptance of electric vehicles is decisively determined by the overall user experience or the four-part harmony of the car itself (value, price, use), the range, the simple and reliable charging and the fun factor (acceleration, curiosity). And here, Tesla continues to outpace the competition, including the one from China. The fact that VW is reducing its electric vehicle production due to a lack of demand clearly shows that German manufacturers still have a long way to go in terms of understanding the dynamics of the new electric vehicle world.
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